Dialog Box

The Pink Elephants Support Network

Coffee for a Cause

Coffee and cake at home; a small gathering at your local café; a high tea and a glass of champagne; or a morning tea at the park. It’s as simple as that!

To change the narrative around early pregnancy loss, we need to use our voice. To start the conversation — whether you’re someone who’s experienced it or a friend just trying to help — we need to use our voice.

It’s not always easy to speak up. It’s often uncomfortable to ask for help. But unless we use our voice to be heard, nothing really changes.

That’s why we created Coffee for a Cause.

We are encouraging anyone who has been touched by miscarriage or early pregnancy loss, either personally or through a friend, relative or colleague, to show that #miscarriagematters.

Coffee and cake at home; a small gathering at your local café; a high tea and a glass of champagne; or a morning tea at the park. It’s as simple as that!

Not only is it the perfect excuse to arrange a catch up with friends, but by raising money you will enable us to reach more who need and deserve our support.

Together we can right the story of miscarriage.

As a host, you will have access to our downloadable Fundraising Resources, which include an invitation, two recipe cards, a flyer and social media tiles.

Registering your Coffee for a Cause morning is easy! Just click here and be taken to your very own fundraising platform.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Karina at karina@pinkelephantssupport.com or Claire at claire@pinkelephantssupport.com

Thank you!

Thanks to our supporters
