We are very sorry for your loss.
At Pink Elephants, we are striving to make early pregnancy loss less invisible. We hope that no person walks alone on this journey, and part of that is to understand your experiences of loss, the support you had, and the support you wish you had. Conducting research into experiences of pregnancy loss can help us better support others through their own bereavement.
If you wish to share your experiences, below are some research projects that are studying early pregnancy loss. Some are conducted by Pink Elephants, others are collaborations we have with Universities, and others still are projects that we have promoted but have no affiliation with Pink Elephants.
Thank you in advance for your time. We understand that sharing your experiences may be a trigger for you.
If you’d like to speak with someone, please contact:
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14 or lifeline.org.au to speak with a counsellor
Pink Elephants Support Network for pregnancy loss resources and an online peer support community

Pink Elephants’ Projects
There are no current projects open at this time.

Pink Elephants’ Collaborations
Pilot study, comparing methyl folate with folic acid in women that have had recurrent pregnancy loss.
Ethics has been granted and the trial is ready to proceed. (Ethics Number: ETH22-7218).
The trial needs to recruit 60 couples with recurrent miscarriage to join the pilot study. They will then randomly be assigned to one of two groups:
a) Couples that will receive a folic acid based prenatal multivitamin
b) Couples that will receive a methyl folate based prenatal multivitamin
See if you qualify
Read more information on the trial
Contact the researcher, Carolyn Ledowsky: carolyn.j.ledowsky@student.uts.edu.au